How to lower the cost per lead on Facebook ads?

Understand how to lower the cost per lead on Facebook ads?

We examine the many strategies in this post to help you lower the cost per lead associated with Facebook advertisements.

For your company, Facebook Ads can be a cheap source of leads, but only if you know how to optimize your campaigns properly.

The cost of Facebook ads is undoubtedly rising.

An increasing number of individuals and companies are becoming aware of and utilizing the contemporary marketing approach daily.

These days, social media platform advertising is an essential component for any best digital marketing agency in Chandīgarh.

Nevertheless, the price increases in tandem with the rise in volume.

You can maintain a low cost per lead and maximize your return on investment by heeding the advice provided below. Despite the intensity and volume of the present market’s rivalry.

What Is Cost Per Lead?

Advertisers using the cost-per-lead (CPL) pricing model pay for each lead they receive.

A potential customer’s contact information in response to an advertisement is called a lead.

This contact information can be a Name alone, an Email address, or a Phone number.

Fundamentally, cost per lead is the most significant measure you will use in lead generation marketing by a best digital marketing agency in Mohali.

It’s a clear reference that provides the cost per generated lead to you and/or the client.

This is a really helpful piece of information since you can use it to compare the price you were paying previously and the market value. 

To put it simply, your cost per lead (CPL) is determined by dividing the entire amount spent on the campaign by the total number of leads you generate. Your cost per lead (CPL) is Rs.20 if you invested Rs. 1,000 and generated 50 new leads.

Facebook advertisements are a fantastic way for your company to generate new leads, but you must keep your cost per lead (CPL) low if you want to maximize your return on investment. How then can you accomplish this?

Equipped with this information, you may decide on your cost per lead and your desired pricing point in the market with greater knowledge.

Here we have attached some of our client ad results:-

As you can see Cost-Per-Lead is different in every ad-set. This is because CPL varies every day, it doesn’t stay the same every day. 

4 tips to help you lower your Cost Per Lead

If you keep your cost per lead (CPL) low, your Facebook advertising campaign will perform better for your company. Here are some pointers to assist you reduce the lead cost.

1. Target a more specific audience

You need to specify who your target audience is when making Facebook ads. These are the individuals that are most considering using your goods or services. Your target audience is chosen to assist your company in establishing contact with the most qualified leads.

There may be a variety of demographics in your target market that are suitable for your business. You might attempt to attract a broad target audience if your goods or services are appealing to a variety of consumers. 

Step 1 :- Click on Advantage+ Custom Audience:

Step 2 :- Select Manual Placements:

Step 3 :- Select all those placements where you want to run ad:

Step 3 :- Check preview of the image:

The degree of competitiveness is the problem with this. There is greater competition when your target market is larger. Rivals will attempt to run advertisements for the same demographic.

When there is a lot of competition, it becomes difficult for you to reach your audience. You must concentrate on a certain subset of your target audience in order to avoid the intense competition.

There is less competition to try to reach that particular group of people when you narrow your emphasis. This will keep your expenditures down while guaranteeing that more leads will notice your advertisement. You can lower your CPL by doing this.

You have a lot of options when it comes to targeting your audience. You can use demographic data, such as age, gender, or education, to target your audience on Facebook. These are just a handful of the numerous demographic groups you have at your disposal for audience targeting.

You may target your audience on Facebook based on their connections, interests, and behaviours. This gives you the freedom to select the audience you wish to target. These categories can assist you in focusing on users who fit particular criteria.

2. Conduct A/B testing on your ads:

The right ad copy for your target is essential if you’re going to run a Facebook advertisement for them. You can determine which advertisement is more effective for your audience by using A/B testing.

You must visit the Ads Manager in order to perform split testing, also referred to as A/B testing. You can create the finest advertisement for your campaign by conducting several split tests.

A/B testing involves making little adjustments to your advertisement to observe how they impact its success. It’s a fantastic tool to assist you in creating an advertisement that draws in more attention and clicks. You may create an advertisement that engages your audience and piques their interest by using A/B testing.

There will be more involvement with your advertisement if it appeals to your audience more. As a result, you will be able to reduce your cost per lead (CPL) by capturing more qualified leads. Your money will be better spent on an advertisement that draws in more viewers. 

3. Prevent ad fatigue:

There’s a potential that your audience will view your advertisement more than once when you launch an advertising campaign. They will grow weary of your advertisement if they start to view it too frequently. Ad fatigue will result from this, which is bad for your Facebook advertising campaign.

If your advertisement appears too frequently, your audience will begin to ignore it. Less interest in your ad results from increased exposure. In actuality, when the frequency rate rises, your click-through rate (CTR) decreases.

Thus, what can be done to avoid ad fatigue?

Restricting the frequency of your audience’s exposure to your advertisement is necessary to avoid ad fatigue. You’ll know your advertisement has to be changed since it is losing its effectiveness when your click-through rate (CTR) decreases. You must have a backup version of your advertisement ready to go in place of your present one.

You should change up the variables in your new advertisement to set it out from the copy in your old one. This will assist you in communicating with your audience while keeping them from growing weary of your advertisements.

By preventing ad weariness, you may interact with more leads and keep them interested in your advertisement. If you pay a set amount for your advertisements, you will produce more leads, which will help to cut the cost per lead (CPL).

You can keep changing Ad creatives to prevent ‘Ad Fatigue’.

4. Use videos in your Facebook ads:

Using videos in your Facebook ads is a terrific method to get the attention of your target audience. A video on someone’s timeline can catch their attention because many people enjoy watching videos.

You maintain viewers’ interest when you make a video advertisement. They learn about your company by watching your video. You have a fantastic chance to convince your audience to take advantage of your offer.

Although image ads are effective, video commercials elevate your campaign to a new level. Videos actually increase conversions by 86%. Just by adding a video to your advertisement, you could be able to convert more leads. 

You will frequently save money by selecting a video advertisement over a picture one. A video will likely elicit more interaction from your audience than a picture will.

Your click-through rate (CTR) determines how much you pay per click (CPC) when running Facebook advertising. You will pay less per click if your CTR is high, but your cost per lead will be more if it is low. You will get more leads and a higher CTR by using video, which will result in a lower CPL.

To keep your audience interested, you might need to run more than one photo ad. Your company will incur higher costs as a result of this. Your company can avoid running several ads to reach your audience and lower your campaign’s cost per lead (CPL) by utilizing a video ad. 


There is a general marketing tenet that states the highest bidder usually wins when it comes to acquiring new clients. Although there is some validity to the saying, there are also strategies to outsmart the person who is spending the most money.

You may maximize the revenue from your current ad spend by concentrating on your top-performing demographics, streamlining your landing page, building lookalike audiences from your most loyal customers, utilizing Facebook Lead Ads, and implementing Messenger ads.

While throwing money at advertising can work, wouldn’t you rather outperform the competition with a smarter strategy with digital marketing agency near me?

Gemini can be your secret weapon. We’ll help you identify your ideal audience, craft compelling messages, and optimize your campaigns for maximum impact. Forget the bidding wars, focus on results.

So, why do you delay? Let Gemini Advertising show you the power of intelligent advertising.


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